Saturday, June 19, 2010

I blame Ravelry!

So here it is June 19th (cousin Mike's birthday, day after Dad's) already. I confess. I update all my projects on Ravelry & spend all my time reading the forums & queuing patterns, rather than blogging. I know this makes me a bad person & hope I'm forgiven. Of course that would mean someone's actually reading this blog :p Which I strongly doubt. I digress.
The "Anchors & Ropes" hat is proving popular. It's been queued by several Ravellers now :) That's a nice feeling. I'm working on a shawl (2 different versions actually) that I hope to make available when done.
In other knitting news, I joined a group of local Ravellers in January & we meet up every Monday night 7-9 at WokBox on South Albert St here :) Great fun & we actually do get some knitting done :) It's nice to have others to share with.
That's all the news that's fit to print; I'll try to get in here more often.

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