Saturday, January 5, 2008

Welcome to the New Year & New Blog!

Well, here I go again. Only this time I intend to keep on topic. Specifically my knitting and the kitties.
So to start things off, I have complied a list of the current WIPs that I'm at work on. Here goes:
1 Bernie's jacket
2 Sarah's capelet
3 Mom's Spiral Socks
4 Cathleen the Irish Dancer doll
5 Tie-Dyed Boxes
6 Cromarty
1 Bernie's jacket:
This is my longest WIP. I got commissioned to make a jacket for my dance teacher, who is also an awesome friend. It's the Josephine pattern from Knitty. So I've got the darn thing done finally; all I have left are the seams. I really dislike seaming. Oh, and the belt. Want to have this done by the end of the month. Let's see if I accomplish it...
2 Sarah's capelet:
This is fun, like Sarah herself! For her birthday present, I choose LB Jiffy Thick & Quick in a rainbow variegated, using a 10mm circ. I've applied the same increase structure as EZ's Pi Shawl; top-down awesome! So far, I'm at the St st for 24 rows point. This has been super easy, although I did modify from working in the rnd to doing rows, as I wanted the capelet to open down the front. I find that there is better drape for the cape with this method.
3 Mom's Spiral Socks:
Oops! Thses were supposed to be for her birthday! Now they're forMother's Day. Basic pattern, using Opal Picture sock wool. Got pattern out of Cottage Creations booklet "Knits for the Community" Love their patterns. Carried locally at Golden Willow; awesome store.
4 Cathleen the Irish Dancer:
Using another of CC's excellent patterns, I've created Irish Dancer dolls for my crazy group of Irish dancing friends. Finally I am on to my doll. She's in need of hair and her lace collar. Done for my birthday next month is the goal.
5 Tied Dyed Boxes:
This pattern looked so neat in last spring's Knitter's. I'm using Paton's Canadiana in "blueberry ombre". Nearly to the armholes on the back. Done by my birthday?...
6 Cromarty
(By Alice Starmore) My dream sweater! I've even found wool the same color as shown in the book! Am using DGB Confort; fabulous! Roughly 4" into the back.
That's it for now. Hopefully I can get pics up and running soon, so that former projects can be seen as well as the furries, who are somuch a part of my life.

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