Monday, May 4, 2009

Been awhile...

Between helping out at the WCP Cup and working, I've had a bit of a time fitting in my knitting let alone blogging about anything. Had to work those 3 weekends in a row last month so really put myself behind.
M's bag is going quite well. Still need to line B's, though. Have the material just putting it off as it's sewing not knitting.
As I texted in, I've decided to work on a flock of "Ewenice"s at Mosaic this year. I've also decided that come next year I want no part in organizing the "displays" for our pavilion. I'm mad enough to spit nails still and the meeting was over a week ago. No more of this being taken for granted crap! I refuse to have my name associated with such tripe!!
I digress.
I try to update my Twitter daily, so look for me there if this space hasn't been looked at for a bit. Details in the sidebar.

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